Mod The Sims: Adult Yoda Mask by Snaitf Make Up: Adult Yoda Mask by Snaitf from Mod The Sims Download here... More from Mod The Sims Category: Make Up Tags: face paint, mask, Mod the sims, MTS, sims 4 makeup, SnaitfOctober 6, 2014 You May Also Like:The Sims Resource: Crime Lipstick N.86 by IzzieMcFireThe Sims Resource: Lolli Blusher N45 by PralinesimsThe Sims Resource: Yuki Lips by LJP-Sims
Jared says October 22, 2014 at 6:21 pm I like the yoda mask and how it was made for kids. Now if this one is going to be done for adults. Then the Vadar, Luke, and Leia need to be done for children since there made for adults and teens. Reply
I like the yoda mask and how it was made for kids. Now if this one is going to be done for adults. Then the Vadar, Luke, and Leia need to be done for children since there made for adults and teens.